
Below is a list of papers that might be interesting for Florian's diploma thesis or Skipforward in general.

This list is in no way complete or correct, as many papers have not been read, yet, and some were only skimmed. Feel free to add notes, if you found something interesting or useful.


A Survey of Trust and Reputation Systems for Online Service Provision Link

Collaborative Filtering

(in order of estimated relevance)

Incremental Collaborative Filtering for Highly-Scalable Recommendation Algorithms Link
user-similarity, Pearson-correlation, incremental algorithm

Trust-aware Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems Link
Pearson-correlation, explicit trust, web of trust, decentralized

On User Recommendations Based on Multiple Cues Link
user similarity, Pearson-correlation, semantic features, user-specified features

Item-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms Link
comparison of item-based recommendation algorithms (performance, quality, similarity) using Pearson-correlation, cosine-similarity, regression

Trust in Recommender Systems Link

Content-Based versus Collaborative Filtering Link
overview, references (Seminararbeit)

Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering Link
slope one predictor, quick cold-start

Distributed Collaborative Filtering for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems Link
distributed collaborative filtering, p2p, bayesian

Collaborative Filtering with Privacy via Factor Analysis Link
expectation maximization (EM), privacy


Content-based, Collaborative Recommendation (Link)
no algorithms given, irrelevant

Improving Interoperability using Query Interpretation in Semantic Vector Spaces (Link)
The aim of this paper is providing some interoperability between several ontologies for queries. However, as many of our Features also are interrelated/similar, even in the same ontology, we need a similar query expansion technique for computing Feature/Item similarity.


Using Semantic Cues for Contextual Recommendation (1997) Link

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 09/28/08 21:56:15