Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DocumentationForDevelopers

10/11/11 15:19:32 (13 years ago)

some coding hints


  • DocumentationForDevelopers

    v1 v1  
     2 * Threading model 
     3   * There is just one big lock per user (the user's [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ FactsDatabase] instance); it's acquired immediately in [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ui/web de.opendfki.skipforward.ui.web] servlets. 
     4   * If you create a background thread or something similar, make sure you get the lock 
     5 * MVC 
     6   * [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ui/web de.opendfki.skipforward.ui.web] servlets call [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ui de.opendfki.skipforward.ui] class methods; these build views (using custom beans, typically), build HTML using StringTemplate, and return the HTML 
     7   * there are some MVC helper beans (not to be confused with the RDF beans) in [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ui/beans de.opendfki.skipforward.ui.beans] 
     8   * bean renderers can be found in [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ui/st] 
     9     * these renderers are used for basic types or if Java code is needed for generating the HTML - otherwise, normal templates are used. 
     10 * RDF Beans 
     11   * interfaces are in [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/vocabulary de.opendfki.skipforward.vocabulary] 
     12   * beans provide some convenience methods (e.g., getLabel(), etc.) 
     13   * beans instances are built using [source:trunk/skipforward/src/de/opendfki/skipforward/ FactsDatabase] methods 
     14   * beans are throwaway objects and do not have any internal state - every change using their setters is immediately persisted in RDF 
     15   * beans are associated with their corresponding FactsDatabase so you cannot pass one bean instance to another user 
     16 * non-binary features 
     17   * non-binary features are somewhat nasty to handle since their (rather generic) feature type isn't very helpful ("Name") - you need a feature instance to know the full type ("Name: Miller") 
     18   * when comparing feature types for equality, you should use feature123.getFeatureTypeId() instead of feature123.getFeatureType().getUri() - the ID is the feature type URI plus added values ("Miller" in the example above) 
     19   * same for getting labels: feature123.getFeatureType().getLabel() is not very helpful (again, "Name") - use feature123.getFeatureTypeLabel() instead. 
     20   * thus, writing code that uses something like Map<FeatureType, ...> is most likely a mistake. 